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Top 7 Things to do in Freetown in June 2022!

Writer's picture: Mina BilkisMina Bilkis

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Jumu'aa Mubarak!

Happy Friday y'all! 👋🏾

Another month and another Top 7 to enjoy in the Republic.

But it's not just any month - it's JUNE!

Ok I might be biased a tad bit 🤏🏾 ... but only because it's my birthday month 🌚

But also it's the middle of the year right? We are in the 6 month of the year, almost done with the first half of 2022. How are we coping with everything going on?

In spite of the ever changing world you find yourself adapting to, it's great to give thanks to the little things and also give yourself grace, chances are you're doing much better than you give yourself credit for.

So yay you for making it this far! 🙂

A friend sent me this on Instagram:

I claim it for myself and for you all :) Happy June!

Now let's dive in to #Top7 for this month!

Top 7 things to do in Freetown in June 2022 let's go!

1. A friendly footie match ⚽

Whew, growth is something huh? Because the American in ME never thought I would refer to soccer as "football" or its shortened form - footie.


*clears throat*

The Rotaract Club of Freetown-Sunset of District 9101 hosts a friendly football match tomorrow, Saturday June 4 2022.

The first match is the female division between Rotaract Club of Freetown-Sunset and Rotaract Club of Mount Aureol.

The second match is the male division between the same aforementioned Rotaract Clubs.

The organizers promise an exciting time and an explosion of talent which you can check out:

Date: Saturday, June 4 2022

Time: 4:00pm

Venue: SS Camp Field, SS Camp

Good luck teams!

2. Estu Delight's Mobile Bar 🍹🚛

Freetown is changing!

Yesterday, Estu's Delight; an agribusiness that deals with production, processing and distribution of organic food and beverages opened its doors to the public as the first mobile juice bar in downtown Freetown!

A customer at Estu Delight's Mobile Bar

If you know Estu's Delight's for smoothies and other great drinks you now have somewhere to get your fix!

Where: Leonco Gas Station, Lightfoot Boston Street

Opening hours: 11:00am-5:30pm

For more information, check out Estu Delight on social media:

Facebook: @estudelight

Instagram: @estudelight

Congratulations on this momentous feat!

3. Hello Sierra Leone (HSL) Tours 🇸🇱

This year the rains have come on time, for the first time in a while.

Typically our Rainy Season is from May - September/October, but with climate change - it has been moving with a madness.

Some privileged folk tend to leave Freetown/The Republic during this time to sunny pastures before returning - personally I love the rain and I love staying in the Republic, if I can help it. There's so many niche things to do - like Hello Sierra Leone (HSL) for example!

HSL is a tourism and lifestyle company that connects with locals, vendors and businesses. They also curate events and organize yours!

Check out their page and find out what you can do to keep busy during this season. I wonder what I'll pick.

You can contact them at: +232 78 115 306 and +232 77 755 450

Instagram: @hellosierraleone

4. #MinaAt30 🎉

Oh, you thought I wasn't going to include myself? Abeg, if I don't toast myself - who will?

Yes o, your baby girl in these Freetown and digital streets is hittin' the "big" 3-0 on June 11 Inshallah.

I look forward to more life, blessings, new experiences and just living sha. What else can I ask for in this life?

Of course my account is always open - so if you want to bless Mina just DM or email her so those blessings can locate her bank account and may the universe replenish your basket ten fold.

Who doesn’t want that kind of reward? 😏

Hehe, I'm looking forward to the new chapter to say the least. Stay tuned. 😉

5. Musical Drama 🎼

A musical drama written and directed by Julius Spencer, you can check it out on the following dates:

Dates: Saturday, June 11 and Sunday, June 12 2022

Wednesday, June 15 to Sunday, June 19 2022

It is also available in the morning (matinée) on Sunday, June 12 and June 19 2022

Venue: Ballanta Auditorium, 27 Liverpool Street

Tickets: Le 50,000 | Le 150,000 | Le 250,000

To purchase your ticket and learn more about specific times inquire at: +232 79 305 191 or +232 99 124 934

or download the Ballanta Tickets mobile app available on Google Play and App Store.

Yasss! Go technology integration in a Salone business! 👏🏾

6. Coding with Aurora 💻

Looking to learn a new skill, maybe give coding a try?

The 2 weeks coding bootcamp takes place:

Days: Monday - Friday

Dates: June 13 - 24 2022

Time: 3:00-6:00pm

Topics: Introduction to Web Applications and APIs, Web Application Design and Deployment

To register digitally, reach out via WhatsApp at +232 79 72 85 74

To pick up the physical form: 186 Wilkinson Road, opposite Lumley Police Station

Fee: Le 50,000

7. Poetry & Chill with Salone Literary Club 📚

Salone Literary Club (SLC) returns with their Poetry and Chill session on African Child's Day.

Date: Thursday, June 16 2022

Theme: For Di Culture (For the culture)

Venue: Cole Street Guest House, Murraytown

Fee: Le 100,000

For Orange Money payments of tickets, you can reach out to +232 79 930 113

Go watch young people performing spoken word pieces on what the culture means to them.

C'est tous pour moi mes chéris!

That's it for me good folks!

There are definitely wayyy more events happening this busy busy June, but these are the ones that made the cut. 😉

Until next time. Comme d'hab (As usual).

- Mina Bilkis

ergo sum cogito


If you'd like your brand, event, business etc featured, I'm just an email ( or DM away. Would you like to advertise your product, service or business on Mina Bilkis? Hit me up, let's talk.

Have a restful and safe weekend!


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